View Profile i-copeland

i-copeland's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 84 (From 28 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 1,250 Points

Road of the Dead 2

Medals Earned: 1/25 (25/1,000 points)

Gun Slinger 25 Points

Weaken a hood grappling zombie with 1 weapon, then quickly switch to another weapon to finish it off with one shot

F@#K Wheels! 5 Points

Drive 3 km with no wheels

Free Ride 5 Points

Complete story mode with atleast 1 rescued civilian still in your vehicle

Hydroficially Evolved 5 Points

Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.

Been there, Killed that 10 Points

Kill one of each enemy type

Come with me if you want to live 10 Points

Rescue and secure a civilian

Death Race 10 Points

Maintain max speed for 0.5 km

Gibs n Gravy 10 Points

Splatter 50 zombies with your vehicle or guns

Ground Beef 10 Points

Remove a mutant side grapple by grinding it off on a rail/wall

Slip and Slide 10 Points

Don't hit anything after sliding through an oil slick

Blunt Force Trauma 25 Points

Kill 100 zombies with your vehicle

I'm the Alpha 25 Points

Kill an alpha mutant with a pistol

Knowledge is Survival 25 Points

Unlock the entire survival guide

Metal Dragon 25 Points

In rescue mode, don't let a single civilian die for 3 rounds in a row

Mutant Sandwich 25 Points

Survive 2 mutant side grappling both characters

Perfect Defense 25 Points

While stopped during a task, don't let a single zombie reach your vehicle's hood

Dead on Time 50 Points

Gain 1 minute bonus time in out of time mode

Heaven Sent 50 Points

Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing

I've seen things... 50 Points

Reach max levels on at least one character

First Blood 100 Points

Reach 20 km in f.u.b.a.r.

Hardcore Survival 100 Points

Complete Hardcore Story mode

Into the Wild Blue Yonder 100 Points

Complete story mode

Mutant Stomp 100 Points

Reach 20 km in mutant meltdown

Perfect Soldiers 100 Points

Upgrade every perk, gun, and max level both characters

Zombie Slayer 100 Points

Reach 20 km in dead state

Tankmen: Battle 2

Medals Earned: 3/22 (25/500 points)

The Start of Something 5 Points

Conquer the first base.

Green Backpack 10 Points

Find the green backpack.

Red Backpack 10 Points

Find the red backpack.

Black Backpack 10 Points

Find the black backpack.

Blue Backpack 10 Points

Find the blue backpack.

Gray Backpack 10 Points

Find the gray backpack.

Kill the Clown 10 Points

Conquer the second base.

Orange Backpack 10 Points

Find the orange backpack.

Pink Backpack 10 Points

Find the pink backpack.

Purple Backpack 10 Points

Find the purple backpack.

Sky Blue Backpack 10 Points

Find the sky blue backpack.

White Backpack 10 Points

Find the white backpack.

Yellow Backpack 10 Points

Find the yellow backpack.

Back to the Grave 25 Points

Conquer the fourth base.

Demise of the Savior 25 Points

Conquer the sixth base.

Hints of Evil 25 Points

Conquer the third base.

Sending Him Back to Hell 25 Points

Conquer the fifth base.

To Kill a Killing Machine 25 Points

Conquer the seventh base.

Treasure Hunter 50 Points

Find all 11 backpacks.

An Honor Serving 100 Points

Reach General rank.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

The Breach

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/115 points)

20 Kills 5 Points

Kill 20 enemies

Kill First Boss 10 Points

Kill the first boss

Game Complete 25 Points

Complete the game

Kill 3rd Boss 25 Points

Kill the 3rd Boss

20 Stars 50 Points

Obtain 20 stars

The Duder Dilemma

Medals Earned: 1/4 (25/200 points)

Hick-tory 25 Points

Defeat the boss

Red-headed step-child 25 Points

Buy all upgrades, including the jetpack

Corn-fed-erate soldier 50 Points

Earn 2500 points or more

Yokel Anesthetic 100 Points

Beat the boss without upgrading anything

The Ventures Fulp

Medals Earned: 2/8 (10/90 points)

3 Beer Queer 5 Points


Super Fulp Bros. 5 Points


Fishy Car Ride 5 Points


The Mexican 5 Points

The genie of the booze bottle.

SORRY JEFF 10 Points

I stole these icons from him :(

Super Dildo Party 10 Points


Skull Fcuk! 25 Points

There is a hidden power...

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Toss the Turtle

Medals Earned: 5/20 (35/500 points)

Acupuncture 5 Points

Get skewered on spikes

Gold Star 5 Points

Launch the Turtle

Jump Man 5 Points

Smash a goomba

Drunk Driver 10 Points

Blow up a jeep

Strong Armed 10 Points

Get punched by a banana

Novice 5 Points

Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)

Question Mark 5 Points

Find the hidden button

Amateur 10 Points

Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)

Harrasment 10 Points

Crush an angry ground creature

in Space 10 Points

Reach space

Abducted 25 Points

Get caught by a UFO

Icarus 25 Points

Get burned by a sun

Persistent 25 Points

Play over an hour

Professional 25 Points

Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)

Radioactive 25 Points

Use a nuke

Addicted 50 Points

Play over 2 hours

Golden Shell 50 Points

Buy everything

Master 50 Points

Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)

Traveler 50 Points

Total over 1 million feet

WorldsEdge 100 Points

Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)

Touch The Bubbles 3

Medals Earned: 4/11 (95/505 points)

Big slash 10 Points

Pop 10 bubbles with one slash

Sword school 10 Points

Do 5 slashes in one level

Manager 25 Points

Get a score of 50.000 in one level

Bonus levels 50 Points

Beat the highscore mode to unlock the bonus levels

Wind element 10 Points

Make all bubbles move in level selector

Gold miner 50 Points

Get a score of 100.000 in one level

Ninja 50 Points

Do 12 slashes in one level

Rich daddy 50 Points

Get a score over 500.000 in hi-score mode

Sword master 50 Points

Do 3 big slashes in 1 level

Maniac gamer 100 Points

Beat highscore mode with no continues used

Wizard 100 Points

Beat all bonus levels

Treadmillasaurus Rex

Medals Earned: 3/10 (15/225 points)

And you've got butterfingers? 5 Points

Burn 2,000 calories

Bingo! Dino DNA! 5 Points

Burn 500 calories

More like a six-foot Turkey 5 Points

Burn 1,000 calories

When you gotta go, you gotta go 5 Points

Burn 5,000 calories

Didn't say the magic word! 10 Points

Burn 10,000 calories

He left us! 10 Points

Burn 15,000 Calories

That is one big pile of 10 Points

Burn 25,000 Calories

Hold on to your butts 25 Points

Burn 40,000 Calories

Do-you-think-he-saurus rex 50 Points

Burn 50,000 calories

UNIX! I know this! 100 Points

Burn 75,000 calories